Florida’s Sinkhole Zones

Florida’s Sinkhole Zones

Hurricanes are strongly associated with Florida as natural disasters that plague the state. Sinkholes, though, are another problem that Floridians have to deal with, and they can form anywhere in the state. While west central Florida has the most activity, there are sinkholes everywhere, so much so that there are sinkhole zones in Florida. 

If your property was damaged by a sinkhole, then you may file a claim to obtain the money you need for repairs. Working with the insurance company to obtain a fair settlement is rarely easy, and usually, the insurance company will try to pay you as little as they can get away with it. At Fulgencio Law, our Tampa sinkhole damage claim attorneys can help you with your claim and work with the insurance company to assist you in getting the full amount that you deserve from it.

The Four Sinkhole Zones in Florida

Florida’s Sinkhole ZonesAcidic rain, inclement weather, drought-like conditions, and the earth materials that exist in a particular location are all factors that can contribute to sinkhole activity. Across the state of Florida, there is widespread sinkhole activity. The four sinkhole zones that exist in the state are:

  1. Zone 1 includes cities such as Miami, Hollywood, and Coral Springs. The carbonate rock with thin coverage in this region allows for wide, shallow, and broad sinkholes.
  2. Zone 2 includes cities such as Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, and Port St. Lucie. In this region, the sand with varied thicknesses allows smaller cover-subsidence sinkholes to develop gradually over time.
  3. Zone 3 includes cities such as Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Tallahassee. The soil in this region allows sinkholes to appear unexpectedly and quickly.
  4. Zone 4 includes cities such as Jacksonville and St. Augustine. In this region, the carbonate rock and claylike sand maintain the integrity of the ground and allow for less sinkhole activity. However, subsidence sinkholes do still occur.

If you notice any of the following signs of a sinkhole, then taking action to have your home inspected and repaired quickly is recommended. Some signs that your foundation could be compromised include:

  • Cracks in exterior
  • Cracks in interior joints
  • Depressions in your yard or on the street
  • Wilting plants
  • Sloping floors
  • Cracks in your ceiling
  • Unexplained pool water loss
  • Cavity formation

Sinkhole damage to a property can mean costly repairs. Filing a claim through your insurer that allows you to get the full amount of compensation you need to remedy your situation is critical.

Call Fulgencio Law Today

Sinkholes are a problem in Florida. The destruction that sinkholes can do to a structure can be significant. When sinkholes exist on your property, Fulgencio Law can file a claim on your behalf to help you get the money you deserve for your damages. Should the insurance company fail to fairly and fully compensate you, then an attorney at Fulgencio Law will be prepared to take your case to trial.

Call Fulgencio Law today at (813) 463-0123 to schedule a free consultation with a Tampa property damage attorney.

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