
Steps to Take if a Reckless Driver Hits You in Florida

Steps to Take if a Reckless Driver Hits You in Florida

Car accidents happen more often than most of us would like to acknowledge. They take place so frequently, though, that car accidents are the leading cause of death in the United States. They result in tens of thousands of deaths and many more injuries every year. They are also costly. Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicated that deaths from fatal car accidents came with a $470 billion bill when calculating medical costs and the additional costs [...]

Florida Punitive Damage Laws In Car Accident Cases

Florida Punitive Damage Laws In Car Accident Cases

In a personal injury case, such as when a car accident injury suit is filed, identifying all damages that were suffered is the first course of action. Damages may be economic, which means they are tangible and come with a concrete cost. Medical bills would be economic damage. Damages may also be non-economic and are calculated using a variety of metrics. Pain and suffering directly resulting from an injury that was caused by a car accident are considered non-economic [...]

Are Personal Injury Attorney’s Fees Deductible From Your Taxes

Are Personal Injury Attorney’s Fees Deductible From Your Taxes?

There is no denying the complexity that comes with U.S. tax laws. The government expects to take their share of your income each year. It is critical that, when you file your taxes, they are correct and up to date. However, if you have been in an accident where you were injured and received a personal injury settlement, you may be unaware of how the government will treat your settlement money. As such, you may also be concerned that [...]

Are Personal Injury Settlements Taxable in Florida

Are Personal Injury Settlements Taxable in Florida?

Being injured in a personal injury event is usually incredibly distressing, especially if the injuries you suffered were severe. Working through the personal injury claims process while you are hurt can be demanding and lead to additional anxiety. However, when the claims process comes to an end, and you are successful in obtaining the financial compensation you need, you are likely to feel quite relieved. As the year winds down, though, it wouldn’t be uncommon to wonder how that [...]

The Dangers of Drugged Driving in Florida

The Dangers of Drugged Driving in Florida

We often hear of the prevalence of drunk driving around the country and how dangerous it is. All of the public service advertisements and warnings are essential to inform drivers of the serious risk of injury and death associated with driving while intoxicated on alcohol. However, anything that a driver has in their system that impairs them automatically makes them unfit to operate an automobile. This includes illegal and legal drugs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlights the [...]

Dental Implants and Dental Malpractice: Most Common Breaches of Care

Dental Implants and Dental Malpractice: Most Common Breaches of Care

When a dentist’s conduct and actions fall below the minimum level of care that is expected, and a patient is harmed as a result, the dentist can be subject to a dental malpractice lawsuit. Dental malpractice is a type of personal injury matter in which an agreement can be made outside of court for a financial settlement, or the case may go to court when there is no cooperation or ability to come to a mutual understanding. If you were [...]

How Much is the Average Truck Accident Injury Settlement in Florida

How Much is the Average Truck Accident Injury Settlement in Florida

Truck accidents can be devastating for victims, who typically suffer the most catastrophic injuries and death in these crashes. When you consider how massively large and heavy commercial trucks are compared with your average personal vehicle, it is easy to understand how a collision with a truck causes so much destruction and bodily harm. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration recently reported that there were 171,640 fatal and non-fatal crashes involving large trucks and buses. These accidents resulted in 5,233 deaths [...]

Civil Repercussions for Drunk Drivers that Cause Fatal Accidents in Florida

Civil Repercussions for Drunk Drivers that Cause Fatal Accidents in Florida

Drunk driving is not only dangerous for a driver themself and any passengers they have in their vehicle, but it is also incredibly reckless and puts others on the road at risk of harm, too. A drunk driver who causes a fatal accident will likely face severe criminal punishments. Florida drunk driving laws where a fatal accident takes place allow for the charge of DUI manslaughter. DUI manslaughter is a second-degree felony in most cases. Sometimes, it is possible [...]

Is Lane Splitting Legal in Florida

Is Lane Splitting Legal in Florida?

Lane splitting happens when a motorcyclist rides between lanes and cars traveling in the same direction. Usually, motorcyclists prefer to do this, where legal, to more easily work their way through slow-moving traffic, like a traffic jam.  Several states legally allow lane splitting, and some have no laws on it, thus not technically legalizing it but also not making it illegal. In Florida, though, there are specific rules that motorcyclists must abide by, and lane splitting is illegal in Florida. Riding [...]

Collecting Unpaid Debt in Florida

Collecting Unpaid Debt in Florida

Whether you are a private individual who gave a loan or a business that provided a service and has not been paid back, you may find it very challenging to get the money you are owed. A situation like this can be incredibly stressful and difficult to deal with. An individual who is in debt to you and who owes you money but will not pay will undoubtedly make you wonder about your legal rights and options. There are a [...]