Understanding the Most Common Causes of Wrongful Death Claims in Florida
A wrongful death claim is a civil action that allows loved ones to file a suit on behalf of a deceased family member. Negligent actions that can lead to the loss of life may result in a wrongful death claim. It can be incredibly difficult, however, for family members to navigate the claims process while still grieving. The legal team at Fulgencio Law understands this, and when you work with a Tampa wrongful death attorney at Fulgencio Law, you will have resourceful and compassionate legal representation advocating for you and managing your claim so you can focus on healing.
Top Causes of Wrongful Death
When another party’s negligent actions lead to the loss of life for someone else, this can be devastating for families who are left behind. Not only is the sudden loss of life unexpected and tragic, but it can also come with several financial losses. For instance, a family may have burial expenses to pay, or if the decedent was the breadwinner of a home, then the loss of income could lead to serious financial concerns. A wrongful death claim may allow loved ones to recoup these monetary damages.
The most commonly reported reasons for wrongful deaths include:
Medical Malpractice
This may come as a surprise, but medical errors can be dangerous and are a top cause of wrongful death claims filed each year.
Car Accidents
There are hundreds of thousands of car accidents that are reported every year. Recently, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles released crash data showing that there were 2,768 fatal Florida car accidents.
Workplace Accidents
Unsafe working conditions or negligence on the part of co-workers or employers can lead to workplace accidents with fatal results. Workplace safety is critical, and employees have the right to do their jobs in conditions that aren’t hazardous to their health and well-being.
Defective Products
Purchasing a product and using it correctly isn’t always a guarantee of safety. A product may have a manufacturing, advertising, or design defect that can put a consumer’s life in danger when they use it.
Premises Liability
When conditions on a property are unsafe, people can slip and fall or be harmed in other ways. Sometimes, depending on how extensive one’s injuries are, they could be deadly.
Elder Abuse
Older individuals who are unable to live independently may have to reside in a nursing home. Nursing home abuse, though, is widespread in the United States, leading to older adults suffering and losing their lives.
Homicide, assault, and other violent acts contribute to wrongful deaths. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that death from homicide is 7.5 per 100,000 population. Not that long ago, the CDC released homicide data showing 24,849 deaths from homicide in one year.
Call Fulgencio Law Today
Losing a loved one is never an easy thing to experience, but when the loss of life is preventable, this can make it even more painful. Wrongful death claims can’t undo a wrongful death accident, but they can help families recover financial compensation for their damages.
To learn more, please call (813) 463-0123 to schedule a free consultation and speak with a Tampa wrongful death lawyer at Fulgencio Law.