Why Are Florida Hit-And-Run Accidents So Common?

Why Are Florida Hit-And-Run Accidents So Common?

Across the United States, car accidents are so prevalent and destructive that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports 90 lives lost each day in these tragic events. There are areas of the country that tend to have more car accidents than others, but no matter where you are in the country, car accidents often happen on a daily basis. Florida, with its growing population and large size, is one of the states in the country that routinely has some of the highest numbers of accidents that take place every year. In 2019, for example, the state had a population of well over 22 million and came in at number three for the most severe accidents when compared to the rest of the country. Only California and Texas had more deadly and injurious collisions.

It is hard enough to be in a car accident when everyone stays at the scene, but when the driver that hits you and causes your suffering flees the scene, you have become the victim of a hit-and-run. This added level of frustration and distress can make your situation even more dreadful, but you still may be able to recover damages for the losses you have endured. You can take your Florida hit-and-run accident experience to be examined by the Tampa car accident attorneys at Fulgencio Law. Our legal team will advise you on your options for securing recovery.

Why Do Drivers Flee Crash Scenes?

Why Do Florida Hit-And-Run Accidents HappenFlorida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles report that hit-and-run accidents have been fairly consistent every year, and as a result, they make up as high as 25% of all crashes that happen in the state. It is not just the civil penalties such as paying for a victim’s damages that a hit-and-run driver would have to face if they are caught, but there are also criminal penalties for fleeing the scene of a car accident. 

Florida car accident laws make fleeing the scene of an accident a crime. When only property damages result this is a misdemeanor that could come with two months of jail time and a $500 fine. In the aftermath of a hit-and-run accident where injuries are suffered, the penalties are raised to the felony level with as many as five years in prison, a revoked license for three years, and a $5,000 fine. When death comes out of a hit-and-run accident in Florida, the fines jump to $10,000 and a hit-and-run driver could be in prison for three decades.

Florida has harsh penalties associated with hit-and-run accidents. Despite this, they still make up a quarter of the car accidents that are reported every year in the state. A person can flee a crash for any number of reasons but often, common reasons include being inebriated when the crash happened and driving without any insurance. 

Speak with a Car Accident Attorney in Tampa Today

If you were in a car accident in Florida, stay at the crash scene. Then if you were injured seek medical attention. Finally, contact the Tampa car accident lawyers at Fulgencio Law to schedule a free consultation to discuss your accident experience by calling (813) 463-0123.

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