What Happens To A Drunk Driver Who Causes A Fatal Accident in Florida?

What Happens To A Drunk Driver Who Causes A Fatal Accident in Florida?

Driver error is responsible for the majority of accidents happening and there may be no bigger mistake than to drive drunk. Drunk driving is incredibly reckless and dangerous and, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, it is responsible for close to 40 deaths every day in the United States.

When a drunk driver causes a deadly accident, it is a tragedy. There is no bringing a lost life back, no matter what the criminal and civil penalties are that the driver may face. Still, knowing the repercussions may help drivers think twice before getting behind the wheel if they are inebriated.

If you were injured in a drunk driving accident in Florida or if you lost a loved one, you can learn more about your legal options by calling Fulgencio Law and speaking with a Tampa car accident attorney.

Florida Drunk Driving Penalties

What Happens To A Drunk Driver Who Causes A Fatal Accident in FloridaDespite the clear risks of drunk driving, too many people still do it. Annually, there are tens of thousands of DUI infractions in Florida.

Florida’s drunk driving laws say that when a drunk driver kills another person, DUI manslaughter can be charged and this is a second-degree felony with harsh penalties. In some cases, the charge for causing a deadly accident while driving under the influence can be charged at the first-degree felony level.

A wide range of criminal punishments can be handed down to a drunk driver who kills someone in an accident, including:

  • Jail time of up to 30 years
  • Fines of $10,000 or more
  • License revocation and restrictions if the license is restored
  • Time on probation
  • Installation of an ignition interlock device in the driver’s vehicle
  • Requirement to attend DUI education classes
  • Confiscation of the offender’s vehicle
  • Enrollment in alcohol treatment program

In addition to these penalties, there can be other consequences, such as adverse impacts on a drunk driver’s professional endeavors and personal relationships.

Outside of the criminal punishments, there may also be civil repercussions. A drunk driver who kills someone may face a wrongful death claim and be responsible for paying a victim’s family with compensatory damages. Damages can include funeral costs and final expenses, medical bills, loss of financial support, loss of companionship, loss of consortium, pain and suffering, and more. 

If a drunk driving case is considered to be grievous and particularly reckless, then it is also possible that punitive damages may be awarded to the family of the deceased.

Finally, a drunk driver will have to live with the knowledge that their irresponsible behavior took a life. For some individuals, this can be the most severe consequence to have to bear. 

Call Fulgencio Law Today

Drunk driving accidents can happen any time during the year, but in Florida, spring usually sees a spike in DUI crashes. This is largely due to the many tourists and springbreakers that come to the state. Regardless, there are no benefits to drunk driving and no one wins when an accident happens. If a drunk driver hits you, please call a skilled car accident attorney at Fulgencio Law at (813) 463-0123 to schedule a free consultation. 


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