Obtaining Compensation If You Caused A Car Accident in Florida

Obtaining Compensation If You Caused A Car Accident in Florida

Most car accidents happen as a result of human error. In fact, according to the U.S. General Services Administration Office of Motor Vehicle Management, as high as 98% of crashes occur from human error. As a result, automobile accidents happen so often that 115 people die from them every day.

Obtaining Compensation If You Caused A Car Accident in FloridaThere are several reasons why accidents happen, including drunk driving, drowsy driving, speeding, distracted driving, and more. Sometimes, a car accident can be clear-cut, and one party’s actions are the reason why the accident happened. However, many times, all parties involved did something to contribute to causing the accident. 

If you were injured in a car accident in Florida, then you must abide by Florida’s no-fault car accident rules. Under the no-fault system, when an accident happens, injured parties use their own insurance to help pay for their damages. If the accident is catastrophic and severe injuries are sustained that meet the serious injury threshold, it is possible to operate outside of the no-fault system and file a claim against the other driver who caused the accident. After a car accident, it is not uncommon for victims to wonder what their rights are to financial compensation. This is especially true when a car accident victim knows that they did something that led to the accident taking place. 

Since the laws for recovery vary by state, if you want to know your legal options, it is best to take your case to a car accident attorney. An attorney can evaluate your case, tell you if you have a claim to make, and, if so, advise you on how to proceed.

Florida’s modified comparative fault system allows some parties to recover financial compensation after a car accident even if they were responsible, in some part, for causing it. Under this system, as long as you are not 51% or more to blame for causing the car accident, you will be able to obtain compensation.

If you are able to recover compensation, that means if your percentage of fault is 50% or less, then your compensation will be reduced by the amount of fault you are determined to have. Depending on how your case goes, either an insurance company or the courts will be assigning how much fault drivers in a crash have. When you have an attorney on your side advocating for you, then you have a better chance of collecting the highest amount of compensation possible.

Call Fulgencio Law Today

Car accidents can be devastating. When considerable injuries are suffered and extensive property damage is sustained, the cost of the resulting damages can be significant. Obtaining fair and full compensation is critical. So, even if you believe you may have contributed to the accident you were in, you should still consult an attorney to see what your legal options are. It is still possible under Florida’s car accident laws to be compensated for your losses.

If you would like to speak with a Tampa car accident attorney, you may call Fulgencio Law today at (813) 463-0123 to schedule a free consultation.

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