Who Can Be Liable for the Aftermath of a Car Accident?

Who Can Be Liable for the Aftermath of a Car Accident?

Car accidents can have devastating results such as producing extensive property damages, debilitating injuries, and even death. Because of this, victims of car accidents can be burdened by very costly damages. To pay for these damages, a victim may be able to file a personal injury claim against the liable party for compensation. To learn more about how to define liability and what options you have for compensation, working with an attorney can help.

There were 24,168 total traffic crashes in Hillsborough County in 2020 according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. These incidents resulted in 213 deaths and 16,450 injuries. This means that the majority of crashes in Hillsborough County had considerable bodily harm as a consequence. In Hillsborough County, the Tampa car accident attorneys at Fulgencio Law can review your accident experience and discuss with you how you can obtain maximum recovery for all of your damages. 

Placing Liability After a Car Accident

Who Can Be Liable for the Aftermath of a Car AccidentWhen determining who is liable for an accident, there are several factors to consider. How the car accident took place is a critical component to understand. Every driver is expected to exercise care for others with respect to their actions while behind the wheel. In other words, it is imperative to stay alert and be a responsible and cautious driver to avoid causing an accident. If a driver is negligent in their actions and this leads to a crash, then they can be held accountable for paying for the aftermath of that accident.

Sometimes, it is not just the driver themself that can be liable. There may be other entities that could also assume blame for a crash including:

  • Companies that employ drivers who do not engage in safe hiring practices or do not offer sufficient training.
  • Government bodies could be liable if they did not keep up road and bridge maintenance and because of this, there were many perils on the road that drivers have to navigate. 
  • If a driver is intoxicated because they were overly served at a restaurant or other establishment, the restaurant can be liable.
  • Vehicle manufacturers that do not design or build cars that are safe to be on the road can lead to a crash.
  • A car that is taken into the shop and is not properly fixed and repaired can cause the car to be a danger while driving.

If it can be shown that one party or multiple violated the care that they were supposed to show you and that is what caused the accident and your injuries, then you may be able to file a claim against them. 

Car accidents are not always straightforward. As you can see above, just because a driver hit you, it could be that driver and another party who are responsible for paying for your damages. Determining liability can be complicated which is why connecting with a Tampa personal injury attorney can be advantageous for victims. 

Speak with a Tampa Car Accident Attorney Today

The Tampa car accident lawyers at Fulgencio Law have extensive experience advocating for victims who were injured by negligent actions and helping them secure the most compensation possible from their claim. To learn more, please call Fulgencio Law at (813) 463-0123.

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