What To Know About Florida Slip And Fall Cases

What To Know About Florida Slip And Fall Cases

If you were hurt during a slip and fall accident you are most likely wondering about your rights and what you can do after the incident occurred. A qualified and experienced Florida slip and fall attorney can help clear up answers to all of your questions. When you decide to move forward with a personal injury claim, there are some things you should know about how to build a strong case to obtain the most compensation possible for your injuries.

What Should A Victim Of A Slip And Fall Know When They Are Pursuing A Claim?

Recouping the costs associated with your damages will be done through the insurance of the negligent party.  Insurance most commonly comes in the form of liability insurance through a general policy or homeowners or renter’s policy. The type of policy is dependant on where the accident took place. A victim can pursue both economic damages as well as non-economic damages. What is the difference between the two?

Non-economic damages are those that are hard to quantify such as:

  • Pain and suffering.
  • Mental anguish.
  • Lifestyle inconveniences.
  • Disability.
  • Loss of the ability to enjoy life and have the same quality of life as was had before the accident.

Economic damages are more straight forward and come with actual dollars and cents amounts, these include:

  • Medical bills.
  • Lost wages.
  • Property damages.

Slip and fall cases are not easy to define or to win. You have to prove the property owner neglected to make their premises safe and that there was no ability on your behalf to understand the problem until it was too late.

What Should You Do When You Are Injured In A Slip And Fall Case In Florida?

What To Know About Florida Slip And Fall CasesGathering evidence is key to every strong personal injury claim.  Taking pictures of the location and the environment and what specific hazards caused your fall is important. Talk to any witnesses and ask them if they would be willing to provide a statement. If so, obtain their contact information. Contact the owner of the property and inform them about your accident. Should they do a report, ask for a copy of it. Then, contact a Tampa slip-and-fall attorney to help you with your case. 

According to the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI), slip and falls can be very serious and both men and women face the threat of a slip and fall accident equally. Every year there are over 8 million people who will visit the emergency room due to a fall in the country. Slip and falls cause more than 1 million emergency room visits. Fractures from fall accidents happen in 5% of all the cases reported. Slips and falls are a leading cause for individuals to miss work.

The Tampa personal injury attorneys at Fulgencio Law know how to build solid claims to obtain the highest possible amount of compensation for victims. We have the knowledge, skills, and experience you want to manage all the intricacies associated with these complex cases as well as the specific details of your accident experience. Call Fulgencio Law today to schedule your free consultation at (813) 463-0123.

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