What Causes Florida Motorcycle Accidents?
Due to Florida’s year-round warm and sunny weather, it isn’t surprising to learn that our state is a favorite place for motorcycle enthusiasts and their families to ride. Florida is one of the few areas of the United States where motorcyclists can be out and about, enjoying the open road, even during the wintertime instead of having to switch to a more traditional passenger vehicle while roads are icy and slick.
Regrettably, more motorcyclists on the state’s roadways more frequently also mean that more accidents happen. As Florida motorcycle accident attorneys with years of experience, we are very familiar with some of the leading causes of these dangerous crashes.
Rear-End Accidents
Although you might be following the law by braking for a group of kids crossing the street at a four-way stop or because the traffic light you are approaching has just turned yellow, other motorists could be too self-absorbed and too distracted to notice that your motorcycle is slowing down or stopping. These inattentive drivers are the leading source of rear-end crashes in Florida.
Anyone Making a Lefthand Turn
Accidents caused by drivers making lefthand turns are one of the most frequent, and the most deadly kinds of motorcycle accidents. Unfortunately, it’s not only motorcycle riders who become victims of this common accident. Pedestrians, bicyclists, and even other motorists all find themselves in precarious situations anytime a distracted or hurried driver makes a lefthand turn. Given the understandably restrictive nature of driving laws and traffic regulations, the chance to make a safe and legal lefthand turn can require attention and patience.
Open Car Doors
These accidents take place when someone on the driver’s side of a standing or parked vehicle opens their door just as a motorcycle is passing. If the biker collides with the open door, they can be seriously injured.
Lane Changes
Drivers are legally obligated to inspect their car’s blind spots before they attempt to change lanes. Sadly, most drivers are in a hurry or have their focus elsewhere and fail to conduct this basic and potentially life-saving safety measure, creating a potentially disastrous situation for motorcyclists, pedestrians, and bicyclists.
Our Tampa personal injury attorneys are well-informed on all state laws and are able to determine which of these options is available to you for your crash-related injuries.
Being involved in an injury accident will probably cause you to consider what legal rights you have and how you can obtain the financial compensation you deserve for hospital bills, missed income, and other financial damages.
Contact a Florida Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
At Fulgencio Law, we have obtained millions in financial compensation for victims across Florida. We firmly urge you to speak with one of our experienced attorneys about your Florida car accident claim to find out how we can help you.
Your initial consultation with our team is free and non-committal. Reach out to our Tampa personal injury attorneys at (813) 463-0123 to schedule an appointment. If you decide you would like for us to represent you, we have no upfront fees and you pay nothing for our legal services if we do not obtain compensation for your damages.