Top 4 Dangers for Drivers After Hurricanes

Top 4 Dangers for Drivers After Hurricanes

Hurricanes are something that residents of the state of Florida know well, and always have to be prepared for each hurricane season. In 2022, several hurricanes caused damage to the state until the official end of the season came at the end of November. Of all of the storms that hit the peninsula that year, Hurricane Ian came in as a ferocious category-four weather system that had deadly results. In fact, the deadly impact of Ian was so monumental that the last time such destruction and devastation took place happened some 87 years earlier, in 1935, with the Labor Day hurricane.

While there is a danger when a storm is active, the damage that it leaves behind once it is gone also causes great perils for pedestrians and motorists. It is important to be aware of the hazards that exist to stay as safe as possible. 

Safety Precautions After a Hurricane

Top 4 Dangers for Drivers After HurricanesDepending on the intensity of a storm, the destruction of roadways and the excess water in the region can make for serious safety concerns for everyone. Knowing about such issues ahead of time and preparing when you have to go out on the road can help you navigate your surroundings much better.

Road Concerns

Roadways can be broken, causing uneven surfaces. Also, dangerous debris such as fallen trees, pieces of damaged structures, and other materials can be present all over the roadways making travel much more difficult.

Traffic Lights

Storms can cause power outages for homes and businesses, and they can also affect traffic lights and signals from functioning. Without these in operation, the flow of traffic can be chaotic and disorderly. Driving slowly and staying alert of other drivers can help you get to where you need to go.


Roadways that are in low-lying areas may be impassable due to flooding. If you see a road that has been taken over by water, it is best to turn around and avoid driving through it. It can be unclear how deep the water actually is. Driving through deep waters can not only damage your car, but if the water is fast-moving, you may be stuck in the water and carried away in your vehicle. Alongside these issues, it can also be impossible to tell if there are other hazards beneath the water that can be dangerous to encounter in your car.

Cars Destroyed by Water

If your car was overcome with water, even if it wasn’t washed away, it could have sustained damage to its internal components and engine, or even if your car was not submerged in a significant amount of water, that does not mean that issues are not present. Having your car checked provides an extra layer of protection before you get behind the wheel.

Call Fulgencio Law Today If You Were Injured On A Roadway in Florida

Being courteous to others, taking your time when and if you have to drive, and making sure that you are aware of the risks that come with traveling after a hurricane are all essential to staying safe while not putting others in danger. 

If you were hurt in a Florida car accident, it is best to speak with a professional that can help you better understand your legal options for compensation. Call the Tampa car accident attorneys at Fulgencio Law today to schedule a free consultation at (813) 463-0123.

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