Top 2 Challenges with Dog Owners After a Bite Incident

Top 2 Challenges with Dog Owners After a Bite Incident

When a dog attacks and bites, this can be an incredibly horrifying and painful experience. As Americans, we typically think about dogs with love and adoration. Dogs are by far, the most popular domesticated pet to have in the United States. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, from 2017-2018, there were 48,255,413 homes across the country that had at least one dog. This means that during this timeframe, approximately 38.4% of Americans had pet dogs.

Still, despite your dog being friendly to your family, they may react in a hostile way towards friends or people that they are unfamiliar with. Dogs can be unpredictable, and because of this, there is always the possibility that a dog may decide to bite. Then, there are dogs that are known to have been more aggressive and unsafe when it comes to their interactions with other people or other animals.

Are Dog Owners Easy To Talk to After a Dog Bite Incident?

Top 2 Challenges with Dog Owners After a Bite IncidentIf you were bitten by a dog it is likely that you were harmed both physically and mentally. Not only can dog bites be substantially damaging to a person’s physical body, but the whole experience can be quite emotional and traumatic. 

After a dog bite incident, it is important to connect with the owner of the dog. Every dog owner is different so there is no way to paint with a broad brush how the owner may respond to you after you were a bit. The owner of the dog that bit you may be very cooperative and helpful or they may be uncooperative.

Two of the most common problems victims of dog bites tend to encounter when they try and contact the dog’s owner include:

  • An unwillingness to provide contact information or information about the dog such as if the dog is up-to-date with its shots.
  • The dog owner may not have insurance. In this case, a Tampa dog bite attorney will be able to best advise the victim if pursuing a dog bite claim will be fruitful. When insurance is an option, there is a better chance of a dog bite victim recovering compensation for their damages. But, in the absence of insurance, the total value of the personal assets of the dog owner may not be sufficient enough to make a claim feasible. Sometimes, in these situations, the time and money that it would take to pursue a claim are not practical given what the outcome is likely to be.

The important thing for dog bite victims in Florida to know is that while Florida homeowner laws and protections may be stringent, there still may be a pathway for compensation. It is important to take your case to a Tampa personal injury attorney for an evaluation. Dog bite victims have rights and if there is a way to secure compensation after a dog bite incident, then the proficient Tampa dog bite lawyers at Fulgencio Law will aggressively pursue it.

Speak with a Tampa Dog Bite Attorney

If you would like to schedule a free consultation with the legal team at Fulgencio Law to discuss your dog bite experience, please call (813) 463-0123.

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