Symptoms of Nerve Damage from Dental Mistakes

Symptoms of Nerve Damage from Dental Mistakes

A very common fear is fear of the dentist. Dental anxiety is a problem and major issue causing people to forgo regular dental appointments and as a result, develop conditions from poor oral hygiene. Dental anxiety happens for both men and women, but one study suggests that women tend to experience dental anxiety more so than men. Still, gender, age, or education level are not indicators of dental anxiety because anyone can suffer from this condition.

Sometimes the fear of the dentist exists because a person suffered some type of traumatic experience in the past and this is what makes them hesitant to go back to see their dentist for cleanings, exams, and other dental procedures. How people perceive various life experiences differs. What one person feels is upsetting another may not. However, when there are errors made on the part of a dental professional, this can lead to severe physical and mental harm to a patient. Nerve damage is one type of injury that a patient can suffer from dental mistakes. 

How Do You Know if You Suffered Nerve Damage After Visiting the Dentist?

Dentists like other medical professionals have a duty to provide their patients with services that meet the established reasonable standards of care that exist in their industry. When a patient comes in for their appointment, the decisions and actions that the dentist makes matter. If the dentist fails to meet that standard of care and a patient suffers injuries or other harm, they may be able to file a dental malpractice suit for compensation.

Symptoms of Nerve Damage from Dental Mistakes

In Florida, the Tampa dental malpractice attorneys at Fulgencio Law can help you if you were injured by your dentist. You may be able to file a claim to recoup financial compensation for the damages you suffered.

Nerve damage can happen by even the most simple mistake because there are so many nerves coursing throughout the mouth. In some instances, nerve damage is just temporary and not the result of dental malpractice. In other situations, dental malpractice could cause nerve damage that is long-lasting and even permanent.

If you suspect that you have nerve damage, you may be feeling any of the following symptoms:

  • Inability to taste food and beverages
  • Numbness in the soft tissues of the mouth and in the tongue
  • Problems with speech
  • Jaw discomfort and pain
  • Feeling unusual sensations in the mouth

One or more of these symptoms can be alarming for patients. If you are experiencing symptoms that could indicate you suffered nerve damage, you should see another dental provider and get their opinion of your situation. This can give you much more clarification and peace of mind if there is no danger of serious harm. 

Speak with a Tampa Dental Malpractice Attorney Today

If it can be determined that dental malpractice took place, the Florida medical malpractice attorneys at Fulgencio Law can review your case. To schedule a no-obligation, free consultation with one of the experienced Tampa personal injury attorneys at Fulgencio Law, please do not wait to call (813) 463-0123 today.

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