Should You Reject the First Offer From an Insurance Adjuster After an Accident?
If you were injured in an unintentional injury accident in Florida, you may be entitled to seek financial compensation for all of your losses. These losses could include medical expenses related to your injuries and missed time from work while you are recovering from your injuries, property damages, pain and suffering, and more. It is imperative that after an injury accident, you seek medical attention as soon as you can. Doing so will help diagnose your injuries, have your injuries treated, get you on a path to recovery, and also document the extent of your physical bodily harm. This information is incredibly important for a personal injury claim.
It is also critical to seek the counsel of an experienced attorney. It is very likely that after your injury accident, an insurance agent is going to be calling you. Make no mistake, they are not calling because they care about your well-being. They are calling to see how they can either get you to accept a settlement that is insufficient for your damages or get you to give them some information that can help them deny your claim altogether.
If you or a loved one was harmed in an injury accident, the Tampa personal injury attorneys at Fulgencio Law can help you with your claim.
When to Accept a Settlement Offer
The insurance adjuster will usually make a first offer that is not going to be their best. They are always going to make an offer that is low to see if a victim accepts it. This works in the insurance company’s best interest because it helps them pay a victim less and preserves their bottom line. This is why a first offer is typically not one that should be accepted.
However, a victim of an injury accident may not completely understand the full scope of their damages. As a result, they may not have any idea of what their claim is worth. Speaking with an attorney can be advantageous here because an attorney will be able to evaluate a claim, identify the totality of one’s damages, and then assess what a fair value is. With this information, it can be more clear to determine if an insurance adjuster is offering a settlement that is close to fair value or not.
Whether or not you accept the second or third offer will depend on how much the agent is presenting to you. If you believe that their attempts at settling are unfair and do not meet the full damages you suffered, you should not only reject lowball offers but explain why. Go into detail about what your damages are and what evidence you have to support your position.
Speak with an Attorney at Fulgencio Law Today
Skillful and seasoned negotiations may not be your area of expertise. The good news is an attorney at Fulgencio Law specializes in these specific skill sets and can take on the insurance adjuster on your behalf so that you do not have to.
After an injury accident in Florida, call Fulgencio Law to have your case reviewed during a free consultation at (813) 463-0123.