PIP Time Limitations After a Florida Car Accident
In the state of Florida, drivers are required to carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) automobile insurance coverage. Under Florida car insurance law, this means that drivers must at least have $10,000 of medical and disability coverage with $5,000 in death coverage. Since Florida is a no-fault insurance state, when an accident happens, and medical care is needed, a driver in Florida will make a claim against their own PIP coverage for compensation. However, if a victim of a car accident delays their medical treatment this could make them ineligible for PIP converge to pay for the cost of their medical care.
If you have been in a car accident in Florida, the Tampa car accident attorneys at Fulgencio Law can help. You may not know what your rights are under the law or what you can do to obtain compensation, but the legal team at Fulgencio Law does. When you meet with one of the dedicated personal injury attorneys at Fulgencio Law you will have the benefit of working with a skilled legal professional that can evaluate your accident experience and advise you on your best options for obtaining the most compensation possible.
How Long Do Victims of Car Accidents Have to Seek Medical Attention and Obtain PIP Benefits?
A victim of a car accident in Florida has only 14 days from the incident to go to a qualified medical provider for treatment for their injuries. Failure to obtain medical treatment during this two-week window means that a victim will be unable to be compensated through their PIP coverage. The law does stipulate, though, that there are some forms of medical treatment that will not qualify as medical care necessary for PIP coverage. For instance, this would include services like massage therapy or acupuncture.
Even though PIP coverage has a 14-day rule, it is typically recommended to seek medical treatment soon after car accidents happen anyway. Obtaining a proper diagnosis is critical to getting the right treatment to increase the chances that a full recovery can be possible.
Also, should a victim’s injuries be severe, then they may be eligible to file a claim against the negligent party that caused their car accident. Being seen by a qualified medical provider like one’s primary care doctor, in an emergency room, a dentist, or a chiropractor, for example, can strengthen one’s claim for financial compensation.
However, if you were unaware of the 14-day rule for PIP coverage after a car accident, then you may have waited on seeing a doctor to address your harm. In this case, you may be unable to obtain compensation through PIP coverage but may still be able to get the financial compensation you need for your losses through other legal means. An experienced attorney can provide more information on this.
Speak with a Car Accident Injury Attorney in Florida
Figuring out what to do after a car accident and how to obtain compensation for one’s damages can be tricky for victims. Working with an attorney makes the injury claim process much more manageable and clear. For help after a car accident in Florida, please call the Tampa car accident attorneys at Fulgencio Law today to schedule a free consultation at (813) 463-0123.