Legal Options for Victims of Drunk Driving Accidents
Drunk driving accidents happen frequently across the country with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reporting that as many as three in 10 Americans will experience an alcohol-related accident during their life. According to a recent Gallup Poll, over 60% of American adults say that they consume alcohol.
If you were injured in an alcohol-related crash, the distress you feel as you navigate medical treatment and your financial losses can be immense. You could be wondering what you can do to get the help you need during this difficult time. A personal injury attorney can be an advantageous resource to explain to you what your legal options might be.
In Florida, the Tampa personal injury attorneys at Fulgencio Law know how harrowing the time right after an injury accident can be. Victims often feel confused and upset as they are left with significant harm. An attorney can evaluate their situation and accident experience to discuss what steps can be taken to recover the full amount of compensation necessary for the damages that were sustained.
Legal Options After Being Injured in a Drunk Driving Accident
Knowing your rights and your legal options after a drunk driving accident is essential and is the way that you can get the money you need for everything you were put through.
Drunk driving, is illegal across the country and in every state. Each person is different and how their body can tolerate alcohol can vary. For example, one person may be significantly impaired with just a tiny bit of alcohol while another could drink much more and still not show signs of intoxication.
The legal alcohol limit in Florida is a blood alcohol concentration of .08. A driver who is caught by law enforcement that tests and has a BAC of .08 or more will be considered a drunk driver and face c drunk driving charges.
Aside from the criminal penalties that a drunk driver will have for hitting you, they can also face civil punishments. That is if you decide to pursue a personal injury claim against them. When you file a personal injury claim, you can include all of the damages and costs you sustained from the accident. This could include medical bills and related medical expenses both current and future, missed wages, pain and suffering, and property damages. In addition, you may even be able to have the drunk driver who caused your accident pay you restitution.
To be successful with your claim and to get the highest amount of compensation from it, you will have to prove negligence on the part of the drunk driver. In particular, their alcohol intake and impairment caused your accident and your resulting damages.
Call Fulgencio Law Today
No automobile accident that produces injuries and property damage is easy to manage. Accidents can be emotional. This is especially true when the accident was preventable which is always the case when an accident is alcohol-related.
Call Fulgencio Law today at (813) 463-0123 to speak with an attorney and to learn more about your rights after a drunk driving accident during a free consultation.