Is There Always an At-Fault Driver Responsible for a Crash?

Is There Always an At-Fault Driver Responsible for a Crash?

Car accidents are some of the most commonly occurring incidents that lead to severe injury and death annually throughout the United States. Each year, there are more than six million car accidents that range from mild to catastrophic and deadly. When more than one car is involved in a crash, most often, at least one of the driver’s actions was the reason that the crash took place. However, on some rare occasions, no matter if a crash has one or more than one car involved, potentially none of the drivers are culpable for the incident taking place.

Typically, in Florida, you would connect with your own insurance provider for coverage after a crash. Then, if you have substantial injuries and property destruction from your car accident, you may have a case to file against a negligent party. But, when no driver is at fault figuring out how to secure compensation could be challenging and more complicated. Reaching out to an experienced car accident attorney in Florida can help you determine the options that could be available for compensation.

How Can No Driver be Responsible for an Accident?

Is It Possible That No Driver Has Fault in a CrashSometimes things happen in life that are unavoidable and to which people have no control. Every day there is the potential that an unexpected situation can arise which can harm us. Driving is always a risk because people make errors all the time while behind the wheel and this is why there are so many accidents that happen every day.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every day there are 90 people who will die from a crash somewhere in the United States. When compared to other high-income countries in the world, the United States has the highest death rate from vehicular crashes. Drunk driving, distracted driving, and speeding are just a sampling of some of the most common reasons why accidents happen. But there is a myriad of ways that a crash can take place.

A crash may not be anyone’s fault. Consider the following examples:

  • A tree breaks and suddenly crashes onto the road.
  • A driver suffers a rapid medical emergency like a heart attack.
  • Extreme weather can be unpredictable and conditions can change fast causing an immediate inescapable hazard.

In these cases and more, it could be determined that no one was responsible for causing the accident. Then, the aftermath of the crash does not have a victim nor does it have a negligent party. So, recovery for losses may need to be done by pursuing alternative approaches. A Tampa personal injury attorney that understands the personal injury claim system will know what ways exist that an injured party in an accident with no fault can be compensated.

Speak with a Tampa Car Accident Attorney Today

Fulgencio Law offers free, no-obligation consultations with their team of seasoned Tampa car accident injury lawyers.  When a crash happens, you can get the legal guidance and support you need to help you obtain compensation. To schedule your free consultation with a lawyer at Fulgencio Law, please call (813) 463-0123 today.

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