Hurricane Season and Its Impact on Florida Car Accidents

Hurricane Season and Its Impact on Florida Car Accidents

Hurricane season starts in the early summer and goes through late fall here in Florida, but locals know that the heaviest storms usually occur in July and August. Driving through these intense summer storms is anxiety-inducing, even for the most seasoned Florida driver and they increase your odds of being injured in a car accident. 

The tips listed below are designed to help keep you, your passengers, and the people around you, safe.

Take Extra Precautions During Hurricane Season

Afternoon storms are normal in Florida throughout the summertime. Even stand-alone storms that are unrelated to any tropical storm or hurricane can cause devastation on the roadways. increasing car accident risks. The way you react to the weather can help to prevent accidents that could result in severe injuries to you and/or your passengers. 

The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles recommends taking the following precautions:

Slow Down

Even lighter showers can cause roadways to become slick, making it tougher to navigate turns or react to unexpected changes in traffic conditions. During and after a storm, it is important to modify your speed and give yourself enough time to reach your destination.

Use Your Headlights and Windshield Wipers 

7.27 Hurricane Season and Its Impact on Florida Car Accidents

Decreased visibility is a huge problem during heavy rains. Always ensure that your windshield wipers are in proper condition and use the appropriate setting to give yourself the clearest view possible of the road in front of you. Turning your headlights on will make it easier to see and also help other drivers to notice you.

Be Extra Careful at Intersections

Sudden downpours can render traffic lights inoperable. Be ready for this as you approach intersections and are making turns with other vehicles around. You should also keep an eye out for drivers who do not do this and simply pull out into traffic.

Be Aware of Water Pooled in the Roadway 

The saying ‘‘turn around and don’t drown” exists for a reason. Most roadways can easily flood in just a couple of inches of rain and it is impossible to correctly determine the depth of most puddles. One of the leading causes of death in hurricane season isn’t high winds. It is people getting trapped and drowning in their vehicles.

Over 80% of hurricane-related fatalities were the result of inland flooding, and about 50% of those deaths were people who drowned inside their cars.

As with every kind of personal injury case, the endless number of variables makes your claim unique. Someone with a case that sounds very similar to yours could end up with a very different outcome than what you should expect. This is just one of the many reasons why hiring a skilled attorney is beneficial to your Florida personal injury claim

Your attorney will know the most thorough and efficient way of collecting vital evidence that proves you were not at fault for the accident. Establishing this fact is essential to the success of your Tampa personal injury case.

If you have sustained injuries during any kind of accident that was caused by another person’s negligence or carelessness, there is evidence out there that will substantiate your claim. A reputable personal injury attorney from Fulgencio Law will be able to help you. Call us at (813) 463-0123 to schedule your free Tampa personal injury consultation today.

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