How Weather Conditions Affect Liability in Car and Boat Accidents

How Weather Conditions Affect Liability in Car and Boat Accidents

Car and boat accidents can happen for any reason, including inclement weather. Certainly, driving in poor weather conditions makes operating a motor vehicle or boat safely much more difficult. Bad weather conditions can be a contributing reason for an accident occurring. The U.S. Federal Highway Administration reports that weather can affect driver capabilities, vehicle performance, traffic flow, and roadway infrastructure as well as be a crash risk. When a weather-related accident happens, this can affect how an injury case is determined.

If you were hurt in a car or boat accident in Florida, learning more about what you can do to obtain the compensation you deserve for your losses is essential. A Tampa personal injury attorney at Fulgencio Law can examine your claim and help you get the answers and legal representation you need to be successful with your claim.

Weather-Related Accidents

How Weather Conditions Affect Liability in Car and Boat AccidentsRain, high winds, water level, pavement temperature, precipitation, and fog are all weather conditions that can make it harder to drive safely. It is usually a good idea to avoid driving in inclement weather or taking your boat out when the conditions are not ideal but that is not always possible.

When a driver gets behind the wheel of a car or a boat they are responsible for their actions and for safely operating their automobile or vessel. This includes defensive driving when the weather is unpleasant.

For example, heavy rain can increase the risk of hydroplaning. Hydroplaning happens when a vehicle’s wheels cannot grip the surface of the road and therefore, it is more challenging to control the vehicle. As a result, when it is very wet out, a good rule of thumb is to drive with extra space from other vehicles and to reduce speed.

For a boat, high winds can lead to unruly waters and be unsafe for a boater and anyone on their vessel. Choosing to get into a boat and operate it when the water poses a risk of harm is not a wise decision and can lead to a serious boating accident. A better option would be to postpone a boat trip for a day that has more pleasant conditions.

Despite bad weather, when a crash happens, it is important to look at all of the details related to it. If a driver was not adjusting their behavior for the poor weather or they were intentionally behaving carelessly like using their cellular phones while driving or steering a boat they will likely be responsible for causing the accident.

Determining liability is never an easy thing to do. Simply because the weather was bad will not necessarily give a negligent driver an excuse to get out of their responsibility to pay for the damages they caused in a crash.

Call Fulgencio Law Today

A weather-related injury accident can be the fault of one party entirely, or liability could be shared between parties involved in a crash. To be successful with a claim, knowing how an accident happened and who caused it is essential. 

Call Fulgencio Law today at (813) 463-0123 to have your case reviewed by a personal injury attorney during a free consultation.

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