Does a Sign Relieve a Property Owner’s Liability from a Slip and Fall Incident?

Does a Sign Relieve a Property Owner’s Liability from a Slip and Fall Incident?

Slip and fall accidents can cause more than just minor cuts or bruises. They can have serious negative health implications like head trauma, broken bones, sprains, torn ligaments, spinal cord damages, and more. Extensive medical treatment may be necessary for a victim of a slip and fall accident. Surgeries, medications, and physical therapy are just some of the treatment options that may be necessary for a victim to fully recover when full recovery is possible. All of the treatment and related medical expenses can be quite costly.

If you were injured in a slip and fall accident in Tampa the Tampa personal injury attorneys at Fulgencio Law can help you recover compensation for the damages you suffered. 

How Important is a Warning Sign for Premise Liability in Florida?

Does a Sign Relieve a Property Owner's Liability from a Slip and Fall IncidentBasic premise liability laws in Florida indicate that an entity that owns a property has a legal duty of care to people that they invite onto their property. As such, the property owner must reasonably ensure that people entering their property are safe from harm. A property owner must take sensible action to identify if there are perils that could be dangerous for those that go on their property and then address them or warn about them.

A common question that comes up about premise liability is if a posted sign is enough to relieve a property owner of their liability when an injury accident happens. It is important for property owners to maintain their property and keep it in good condition. This is so that it will be safe for guests.

When there is something that must be attended to because it could potentially cause an injury accident, the property owner must fix it. But even when a precarious situation does exist that the property owner is not aware of, they still may be culpable if the problem is something that they should have known about and taken care of.

Depending on how the injury accident took place, a warning sign by itself may not be sufficient enough to remove a property owner’s liability for the damages that the victim suffers. For example, it can be said that if a sign is posted but is not easily seen or not near the hazard that it was not effective at warning someone that the peril existed.

An experienced and proficient Tampa premise liability attorney will be best equipped to examine an injury accident and provide sound legal counsel regarding obtaining compensation. Scrutinizing the facts of the injury incident and the circumstances for which it came about can be the difference between filing a successful personal injury claim or not having a valid one.

Speak with a Tampa Personal Injury Attorney Today

The amount that a victim can secure in a Florida premise liability settlement largely depends on the damages suffered, what parties are at fault for the incident happening, and how much fault each party owns. To learn more about how to obtain compensation after a Tampa premise liability accident, please call Fulgencio Law to schedule a free consultation at (813) 463-0123.

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