
What is Mediation in a Florida Personal Injury Claim

What is Mediation in a Florida Personal Injury Claim?

Sometimes negotiations concerning your settlement can drag on and on and it may feel like there is no end in sight unless you agree to go to trial. As disheartening as this feeling can be, there is actually another option available to you. Mediation is a tool that is frequently used to help people resolve their legal claims much more quickly.   Keep reading for a quick summary of how mediation is conducted during a Tampa personal injury claim and how [...]

Who is Liable for a Lane Change Accident in Florida?

How Does Duty of Care Affect My Florida Personal Injury Case?

If you are considering filing a Florida personal injury lawsuit, it is important that you understand some fundamental facts about the duty of care, namely, what it is, how it could affect your claim, how attorneys can use it to establish negligence, and how it could help you obtain financial compensation for your accident-related losses. What Is Duty of Care? For most people, their duty of care is merely their legal obligation to behave in a rational manner so as to [...]

What Kinds of Damages Are Recoverable in a Florida Lawsuit

How Do I Figure Out the Value of My Florida Injury Claim? 

Victims who sustain catastrophic injuries during a Tampa car accident are typically forced to deal with exorbitant medical costs, missing wages, lifelong physical and/or mental handicaps, and a potential lifetime of uncertainty. Regrettably, the state of Florida restricts the amount of financial compensation that can be awarded to victims who are suffering from catastrophic injuries in a personal injury claim. What Is a Catastrophic Injury? A catastrophic injury is legally defined as a life-altering injury that causes the victim notable handicap [...]

Florida's Most Common Personal Injury Claims

Do I Have To Pay Taxes on My Florida Personal Injury Award?

Anytime a personal injury victim accepts a settlement award from a claim, that financial compensation is generally not taxable by the state or federal governments. In order for their settlement award to be non-taxable, however, their losses must have been caused by an illness or a physical injury. What Part of Your Compensation Award Is Nontaxable? Any financial compensation that is awarded for losses that are the result of an illness or physical injury is non-taxable by the government. This law [...]

Punitive Damages for Victims Injured in Florida Accidents

Who is Responsible For a Florida Wide Turn Truck Accident?

Wide-turn truck accidents are most frequently caused by driver negligence. There are, however, certain situations where a third party might share the liability. Keep reading to learn more about how wide-turn truck accidents occur, and who might be considered responsible for your injuries and other accident-related losses. What is a Wide-Turn Truck Accident? Tanker trucks, tractor-trailers, single-unit trucks, buses, and recreational vehicles all need a more extensive turning radius, particularly if the vehicle is attempting to make a righthand turn. If the [...]

Can I Collect Punitive Damages in My Florida Personal Injury Claim?

Should I Wait for a Jury Verdict or Settle My Florida Personal Injury Claim?

If you are thinking about filing a claim of personal injury after being injured during a car accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, you probably have a lot of questions that need to be answered. One of the more popular questions that people ask is whether a jury verdict or a settlement will get them more financial compensation. The answer is that it all depends on your individual case. Listed below is some information about how each of [...]

How Maximum Medical Improvement Affects Your Florida Personal Injury Claim

How Maximum Medical Improvement Affects Your Florida Personal Injury Claim

When attorneys, doctors, and other professionals talk about “maximum medical improvement” most people assume it refers to an injured victim who has fully recovered and had their health restored to the way it was before the accident. While some victims are fortunate enough to experience this level of recovery, it is rarely the case. Keep reading to learn more about MMI and how it could affect your Florida personal injury case. What is Maximum Medical Improvement? Maximum medical improvement is a medical [...]

Are Passengers Able to Sue for Damages After a Florida Car Crash?

Are Passengers Able to Sue for Damages After a Florida Car Crash?

Car accident data shows that passengers involved in a car accident frequently sustain more severe injuries than the driver of the vehicle. The most plausible explanation for this phenomenon is the driver instinctually turning their car away from danger, placing their passenger in the ideal spot for getting injured. If you or a member of your family were injured as a passenger in a Tampa car accident, you might be curious about your legal options for collecting financial compensation for [...]

Different Kinds of Florida Personal Injury Claims

Negligence Per Se and Your Florida Car Accident Claim

In order to receive financial compensation for injuries that you or a family member received during a car accident, you have to show that someone else’s negligent action was responsible for the accident that caused your injuries. Anytime a car accident involves negligence per se, proving fault is often much easier. When Does Negligence Per Se Apply? Negligence per se implies that a person was inherently negligent because she or he broke a law that was created for the safety and [...]

Coronavirus Claims Denials

One type of insurance coverage not often discussed is business interruption insurance. Also known as business continuity insurance, this type of coverage – just like any other type of insurance coverage – is determined by the language of the policy itself. In order to make a determination of whether business losses caused by the current Covid-19 pandemic, insureds must look at the policy itself, including its terms and definitions, to find out if they have this type of coverage. Language related [...]