But Do I Really Need a Personal Injury Lawyer To Represent Me?

But Do I Really Need a Personal Injury Lawyer To Represent Me?

Personal injuries resulting from the negligence of others – whether it be a car accident, slip and fall, or medical malpractice – are uncertain times. Aside from painful and long-lasting, these injuries can be costly and wreak havoc into a family. Often, injuries come along with uncertainty about what the future will hold.

At Fulgencio Law, we understand the many ways in which life can be affected by personal injury. Our clients usually come to us with a number of questions, and filled with doubt about what the future will hold. We are routinely asked what we can do to help, and the answer can be boiled down to one simple statement: we help our clients get back on their feet and secure the compensation they deserve. This compensation can be in the form of reimbursement for property damage, medical bills, or payment of medical bills and medical balances owed, reimbursement of lost wages, payment for wages reasonably expected to be missed in the future, and pain and suffering.

In Florida, F.S. § 627.737 allows the recovery of pain and suffering from an auto accident or auto collision to whenever there has been:

  • Significant or permanent loss of a bodily function
  • Permanent disability
  • Disfigurement or scarring which is permanent
  • Loss of life

What Can A Personal Injury Lawyer Do, And Why Is It Better Than Self-Representation

A lawyer can find evidence that strengthens your case. We can interview witnesses, investigate and photograph the scene of the accident, and create a story that shows the tortfeasor (the at-fault party) is responsible for your injuries.

A lawyer can find and hire expert witnesses. Although not needed in every case, an expert is sometimes necessary to establish important facts.

A lawyer can negotiate effectively. At Fulgencio Law, we have negotiated with some of the largest insurers in the state. We understand all the tricks of the trade and can maximize the money you receive.

A lawyer can prevent you from making a mistake. Sometimes, people make statements to insurance adjusters that compromise their cases.

You are not legally required to have a lawyer handle your personal injury claim. You could file all the necessary paperwork yourself and represent yourself in court. However, your chances for winning your case and getting the compensation you deserve are much higher if you hire an experienced personal injury lawyer.

If you have a serious case, you need a serious lawyer. The lawyers at Fulgencio Law can help guide you through the maze of a personal injury claim and let you focus your energy on your family’s well-being and on your own recovery.



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