
Distracted Driving Responsible for Most Motorcycle Accidents

Distracted Driving Responsible for Most Motorcycle Accidents

Speeding, driving while intoxicated, and inexperience are all examples of reasons why motorcycle accidents happen. However, while motorcyclists can be responsible for causing an accident that results in serious injuries or death, motorcycle accidents can also be caused by other drivers. When studying motorcycle accident data, it appears that other drivers’ behavior is one of the main reasons why motorcycle accidents happen. If you were injured in a motorcycle accident in Florida, the damages you suffered are likely considerable. Figuring [...]

How An Attorney Can Help If Your Injury Claim Was Denied

How An Attorney Can Help If Your Injury Claim Was Denied

You are hurt badly in an injury accident, such as a Florida car accident, for example, and so you decide to file a claim with the insurance to help you pay for your medical bills and other accident-related expenses. The problem is that after you file your claim, you are denied. Now, you are hurt, in pain, unable to work, and without the compensation you need to recoup your financial losses, and the bills are piling up. This scenario [...]

How Expensive Are Ambulance Rides After an Injury Accident

How Expensive Are Ambulance Rides After an Injury Accident?

When an injury accident happens, there could be an immediate need for emergency medical care and treatment. As a result, an ambulance may be dispatched to pick an injured party up from the accident scene, transport them to the hospital, and care for them while they are on the way.  In some situations, despite the benefit of using an ambulance an injured party may reject it solely based on concerns for the associated expenses, because, ambulance rides and EMT services [...]

Who Pays for Your Damages After a Slip and Fall Accident in a Florida Apartment Complex

Who Pays for Your Damages After a Slip and Fall Accident in a Florida Apartment Complex?

Millions of slip-and-fall accidents happen every year, and some of these can lead to disabling, permanent injuries and death. Older adults are some of the most vulnerable to suffering serious and life-threatening injuries in a slip and fall accident. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as many as 319,000 older adults will be hospitalized each year after a slip and fall accident causes a hip fracture. Physical bodily harm that results from fall accidents is one of the [...]

Florida Car Accidents and Older Drivers

Florida Car Accidents and Older Drivers

According to the United States Census Bureau, Florida’s population is 22,610,726, and it is growing rapidly. Although people from all over the country have left their homes to make Florida their full-time residence, there is one demographic in particular who has traditionally always been drawn to the warmth found in the Sunshine State. That would be the older population or individuals aged 65 and above.  Older adults are one of the largest groups that make up Florida’s population. While children aged [...]

Steps to Take if a Reckless Driver Hits You in Florida

Steps to Take if a Reckless Driver Hits You in Florida

Car accidents happen more often than most of us would like to acknowledge. They take place so frequently, though, that car accidents are the leading cause of death in the United States. They result in tens of thousands of deaths and many more injuries every year. They are also costly. Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicated that deaths from fatal car accidents came with a $470 billion bill when calculating medical costs and the additional costs [...]

Florida Punitive Damage Laws In Car Accident Cases

Florida Punitive Damage Laws In Car Accident Cases

In a personal injury case, such as when a car accident injury suit is filed, identifying all damages that were suffered is the first course of action. Damages may be economic, which means they are tangible and come with a concrete cost. Medical bills would be economic damage. Damages may also be non-economic and are calculated using a variety of metrics. Pain and suffering directly resulting from an injury that was caused by a car accident are considered non-economic [...]

Are Personal Injury Attorney’s Fees Deductible From Your Taxes

Are Personal Injury Attorney’s Fees Deductible From Your Taxes?

There is no denying the complexity that comes with U.S. tax laws. The government expects to take their share of your income each year. It is critical that, when you file your taxes, they are correct and up to date. However, if you have been in an accident where you were injured and received a personal injury settlement, you may be unaware of how the government will treat your settlement money. As such, you may also be concerned that [...]

Are Personal Injury Settlements Taxable in Florida

Are Personal Injury Settlements Taxable in Florida?

Being injured in a personal injury event is usually incredibly distressing, especially if the injuries you suffered were severe. Working through the personal injury claims process while you are hurt can be demanding and lead to additional anxiety. However, when the claims process comes to an end, and you are successful in obtaining the financial compensation you need, you are likely to feel quite relieved. As the year winds down, though, it wouldn’t be uncommon to wonder how that [...]

What Should You Do After a Car Accident in Tampa, FL?

The Dangers of Drugged Driving in Florida

We often hear of the prevalence of drunk driving around the country and how dangerous it is. All of the public service advertisements and warnings are essential to inform drivers of the serious risk of injury and death associated with driving while intoxicated on alcohol. However, anything that a driver has in their system that impairs them automatically makes them unfit to operate an automobile. This includes illegal and legal drugs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlights the [...]